The Republic of Zambia
Labour Market Information System
Ministry of Labour and Social Security
Labour Market Statistics
Population Size & Distribution Statistics
Demographic information is important in every survey undertaking as it provides a basis for the analysis of population characteristics and their relationship with other determinants of population change. Specifically, demographic information allows us to determine the thresholds for defining the working-age population as well as the labour force
Working-Age Population (15 years or older)
The graphs below show the percentage distribution of working-age population (15 years or older) by rural/urban and sex. At national level, females accounted for a higher percentage of the working-age population at 51.1 percent compared to males at 48.9 percent. Results by region showed a same pattern as at national level were females had a higher percentage of the working-age population than males. In rural areas, males accounted for 48.9 percent while females accounted for 51.1 percent. In urban areas, males and females accounted for 48.8 percent and 51.2 percent, respectively
Trade Union Density Membership Statistics
The graphs below show the percentage distribution of union members by sex and rural/urban. In 2021, there were more males that belonged to a trade union at 65.9 percent compared to females at 34.1 percent. In both rural and urban areas, the percentage of females was lower than that of males. There were 314,235 trade union members in the labour market, of which 21.1 percent were in rural areas while 78.9 percent were in urban areas